Saturday 15 November 2014

chicken and rice casserole recipe

Chicken And Rice (pilaff) Casserole 
chicken and rice casserole recipe

Preparation Time   : 20  minutes 
Total cooking time : 1 hour 10 minutes 
Serves : 4

Ingredients :
For the chicken and rice casserole we need :

½ cups (600 ml/20 fl oz ) chicken stock
1 tablespoon peanut oil
1 onion,finely chopped 
2 garlic cloves,crushed
2 tablespoon finely chopped lemon grass 
1 red capsicum (pepper),finely chopped
1½  cups (300 g/10 oz) basmati rice
1.4 kg (2 lb 13 oz) whole chicken
⅓ cup (80 ml/2 ¾ fl oz) coconut milk
2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce 
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 cup (50 g/1¾ oz) roughly chopped
   coriander (cilantro) leaves 
2 tablespoons soft brown sugar 

Preparation :

1- Pour the stock into a saucepan,bring to 
the boil,then remove from the heat,
Preheat the oven to moderately hot 200°C
(400°F/Gas 6).

2-Heat the oil in a large,3 cm (1¼ inch)
deep flameproof casserole dish over
medium heat.Add the onion,garlic,
lemon grass and capsicum and cook,
stirring,for 5 minutes,or until soft.stir in
the rice,mixing well to combine,remove
the dish from the heat.Add the hot stock
and mix well.

3-  Wash the chicken  and pat dry inside and
out with paper towels.tie the legs together 
with string and tuck the wings under.

4-  Combine the coconut milk,chilli sauce,
lime juice,coriander and sugar in a bowl,
Put the chicken on a rack over the rice.
Brush half the coconut mixture over the 
chicken and bake for 15 minutes .Reduce
the temperature to moderate 180°C
(350°F/Gas 4) and stir 1 cup (250 ml/ 8 fl oz)
Water into the rice mixture.cover the chicken 
tightly with lightly greased foil and bake for further 
30 minutes .

5- Remove the chicken and rack.stir the 
rice,adding extra water in the rice is a 
little dry,Return the rack and chicken to 
the dish.Brush with the remaining 
coconut mixture.bake,uncovered,for
15 minutes,or until the chicken is cooked 
and lightly browned and the juices run 
clear when a skewer in inserted into the 
thing.Remove the chicken and stir the 
rice.Serve the Pilaff with pieces of 


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